Friday, March 14, 2025

Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Static Electricity - A Shocker

Remember when you dragged your feet across the rug and then touched your brother or sister's ear! That got their attention! We have also seen the effects of "static cling," when our clothes cling together in the dryer.

Read more: Static Electricity - A Shocker

Repairing Electrical Cords

Even heavy duty extension cords become damaged. Because they can be expensive, you may be asked to make a repair, rather than get a new cord. But merely re-attaching and wrapping the wires doesn't mean the repair is proper or safe. Let's review the correct way to repair electrical cords.

Read more: Repairing Electrical Cords

Portable Light Strings

Portable light strings are a valuable asset to many job sites. They are temporary to give light to areas to help workers vision and to ensure they can see as they do many tasks. However, they can also be a danger. Follow these precautions when using portable light strings.

Read more: Portable Light Strings

Dangers of Powerline Contact

Each year, workers are killed by electrocution from contact with overhead power lines. Over 90 percent of the contacts involved overhead distribution lines. These are the same lines that run in the alleys behind our houses and through our job sites. Since they are so common to us, they seem harmless.

Read more: Dangers of Powerline Contact

High Voltage Electrical Burns

Hands are frequently involved in an electrical injury since they are the most common source of contact with the electrical current. However, damage to other parts of the body may be more extensive and life threatening. Severe electric shock can result in cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation, massive fluid loss into swollen tissues, and kidney failure caused by an overload of muscle protein from damaged muscle and infections.

Read more: High Voltage Electrical Burns